When lower material cost is desired, the PEX fittings connection system is the best option for connecting PEX tubing in water distribution systems.
Broad line of fittings, manifolds, regulator, thermostatic and ball valves, A typical barb system offers the lowest material cost.
CLAMP ring connections (see Installation Guide for details), The time saving clamp rings and tool offer reduced equipment cost, one tool clamps all sizes and the necessity to check each fittings ring with a go/no-go gauge is eliminated CRIMP ring connections.
Copper crimp rings and the heavy duty tool with interchangeable jaws does not require calibration and allows each joint to be checked with a go/no-go gauge.
Barb fittings...............DZR Brass
Clamp rings ...............Stainless Steel
Crimp rings ...............Copper
The Hongdaer Pex fittings and crimp rings meet ASTM F1807 requirements.
The Hongdaer Pex fittings clamp rings meet ASTM F2098 requirements. AlI Hongdaer PEX system components are listed to the NSF 14 Standard by NSF International.
Surface: Natural Brass
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